Brit, boundaries for free speech are against all Europe stands for. IF implemented, it should be a temporary measure,IMHO. I also find it preposterous that we, the West ,must curb one of the cornerstones of our system because a few, mostly "newcomers" will not use it as it is meant to be used.
I think it is imperative that those who come from other cultures and systems, must understand that, unless they fully integrate, there is no place for them in their new country.
And those , like Baader Meinhoff, well, they were stamped out quite rapidly, non?
Brit, boundaries for free speech are against all Europe stands for. IF implemented, it should be a temporary measure,IMHO. I also find it preposterous that we, the West ,must curb one of the cornerstones of our system because a few, mostly "newcomers" will not use it as it is meant to be used.
I think it is imperative that those who come from other cultures and systems, must understand that, unless they fully integrate, there is no place for them in their new country.
And those , like Baader Meinhoff, well, they were stamped out quite rapidly, non?