a reporter himself (or herself) can not publish a photo
it has to have (at least) the approval of the chief editors; and yet if the picture is covering a really delicate issue then gov. approval will be needed (required)
So with all my respect why is it "so insulting". Isn't this something happening? Aren't both sides of the border agreeing that this has to STOP.
Once again and with all my respect; why is it "so insulting"
a reporter himself (or herself) can not publish a photo
it has to have (at least) the approval of the chief editors; and yet if the picture is covering a really delicate issue then gov. approval will be needed (required)
So with all my respect why is it "so insulting". Isn't this something happening? Aren't both sides of the border agreeing that this has to STOP.
Once again and with all my respect; why is it "so insulting"