I asked the tigress out for a date. I sent her a private message! We selected the back of an abandoned villa in UmmSalal as our secret rendezvous. There I disguised her as a Qatari lady. The two cubs I lodged in a pouch inside my cloak so that it looks like my paunch. Then off we went to the La Cigale and had dinner. We ordered and finished off whatever......in our plates in no time. But she was still hungry and wanted the waitress for dinner! I persuaded her to stop and promised her to give two fat lambs next week. Then I took her back to Umm Salal where she said she will surrender to the Lekhweia guys. She didn't want me to drop her near her villa gates so that there is no trouble for me. So I dropped her in an open field with her kids...said goodbye to her and went off! After that I don't know.