Rizks you are traveling at speeds well over the legal limit sticking your head out the window along with your tongue..tell me why you will not get bald then? :P
Thanks everyone again every year you guys make me feel more and more special with your kind wishes....would be great if you all could give me presents as well but alas :P kidding
Soniya you hubby makes it the 5th person i know that has their birthday on the same day as me :P WE Rock!
Rizks you are traveling at speeds well over the legal limit sticking your head out the window along with your tongue..tell me why you will not get bald then? :P
Thanks everyone again every year you guys make me feel more and more special with your kind wishes....would be great if you all could give me presents as well but alas :P kidding
Soniya you hubby makes it the 5th person i know that has their birthday on the same day as me :P WE Rock!