We all remember what happened 80 years ago when europe wasn't happy with some minority groups. I am Qatari, I do go to europe on holidays, and I noticed how intolerant the euros are becoming. I was in madrid this summer, one drunk spaniard asks me something in spanish, and when I answered "no hablo espanyol", he answers me in broken english with a hateful look "if you no Espeak Espanis, why do you come to spain"....I thought only the french do that!!!! That's one story of many....Even the Europeans from arab origins are racist towards visiting and other arabs, which is an alarming behavior...felt like an israeli dealing with a self hating new york jew....
Dangerous times indeed, from all civilizations through out history, the craziest "mofos" are the european, I dont need to site distant history. World wars, holocaust of jewish gypsy and roma peoples, pogroms, nuclear weapons, conventional weapons....etc. And now is the peace and love LSD trip wearing off...only time will tell.
We all remember what happened 80 years ago when europe wasn't happy with some minority groups. I am Qatari, I do go to europe on holidays, and I noticed how intolerant the euros are becoming. I was in madrid this summer, one drunk spaniard asks me something in spanish, and when I answered "no hablo espanyol", he answers me in broken english with a hateful look "if you no Espeak Espanis, why do you come to spain"....I thought only the french do that!!!! That's one story of many....Even the Europeans from arab origins are racist towards visiting and other arabs, which is an alarming behavior...felt like an israeli dealing with a self hating new york jew....
Dangerous times indeed, from all civilizations through out history, the craziest "mofos" are the european, I dont need to site distant history. World wars, holocaust of jewish gypsy and roma peoples, pogroms, nuclear weapons, conventional weapons....etc. And now is the peace and love LSD trip wearing off...only time will tell.