What a joke!
So her achievements are limited to chairing some organizations and empty speeches?
How significant was that to the world or her country?
What was her contribution to end the plight of her own people in issues like honor killing (Jordan is of the highest rate of honor killing among other Islamic countries ), unemployment , and discrimination against Palestinians.
In the other hand, HH Sheika Mozah has many concrete initiatives on the ground like for instance Silatech
Where Many Youth from Arab countries with high unemployment rate like Syria, Morocco and Yemen are given better chances for employment.

I have replayed in your intial comment, that not all has one opinion. And that was expressed in written media in the past few years. In fact a recent article by a Qatari salafi intellect questioned the need for having a Weill Cornell campus in Doha and speculates that QF is paying WCMC a 1 million $ daily just for the branding! This was published both locally and in a famous Pan Arab forum.

Just because the English local dailies has very limited freedom of expression,doesn't give you the right to claim to know the country

As you know nothing...