Perhaps it works differently here. In the UK we have Health Visitors visiting you at home on a weekly basis for the first 6 weeks and they help you with everything you mentioned above Drmana. Then you can join a support group and discuss with other mums going through the same thing. Either way, this is fantastic...I breastfed my son for 16 months (and trust me there were days I wanted to give up) but I would do it all over again....
Perhaps it works differently here. In the UK we have Health Visitors visiting you at home on a weekly basis for the first 6 weeks and they help you with everything you mentioned above Drmana. Then you can join a support group and discuss with other mums going through the same thing. Either way, this is fantastic...I breastfed my son for 16 months (and trust me there were days I wanted to give up) but I would do it all over again....