who projected to be ill by showing some kind of plastic bag hanging from their kidney side full of blood or some show even urine to get the attention of the other person to get some financial help for their treatement.

Please never give them money, instead call the police and ask the passgerby to catch hold of the begger until police arrives. This is a organized gang from India and Pakistan, they bring such people on a visit visa for begging.

Also there is a family gang in Qatar who comes in Oman number plate or Saudi number plate vehicles. They are mafia families again from India and Pakistan.
They will stop in and tell you their heartrending stories like they came to visit their friends/ relatives in Qatar but they cheated them and now they don't have money for fuel to go back to Oman or Saudia, also they will ask money for food.

So becareful from such criminals and inform the police by dialing 999 immediately. Also don't forget to note down their car number plate or take a picture from your camera or mobile, incase the run aways before police arrive.