Hi beth! Thanx for visiting that place. As far as I know FCC is not officially opened, truth of the matter is that what you have seen and observed are just a dry run activities. The acoustic groups who perform there are doing it, helping it promote the venue. Correct! There are so many bands around the corner. The venue/Bistro is open to everybody - so maybe once the Bistro will be officially opened, there will be more presentations not only bands but Art projects as well. Dont worry beth, Your husbands favorite band/s ( Whats the group names please) will soon perform in there! About GEMGEM, Its good to help and feel free to ask when you visit Bistro about her. Hope to see u there, please feel free to visit FCC BISTRO, its our place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!You can pm me if your group will drop by Bistro, Im willing to introduce you to the FCC family.
Hi beth! Thanx for visiting that place. As far as I know FCC is not officially opened, truth of the matter is that what you have seen and observed are just a dry run activities. The acoustic groups who perform there are doing it, helping it promote the venue. Correct! There are so many bands around the corner. The venue/Bistro is open to everybody - so maybe once the Bistro will be officially opened, there will be more presentations not only bands but Art projects as well. Dont worry beth, Your husbands favorite band/s ( Whats the group names please) will soon perform in there! About GEMGEM, Its good to help and feel free to ask when you visit Bistro about her. Hope to see u there, please feel free to visit FCC BISTRO, its our place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!You can pm me if your group will drop by Bistro, Im willing to introduce you to the FCC family.