We are regualr visitors to the Souq so we can see what's going on and we always report any cruelty or health issues to the Ministry of Environment.
Having no water is not speculation - the dogs & cats very rarely have access to clean water and there is never food in any of their cages. We've also seen what they feed them, and it's not a good diet for a dog. Cooked rice & chicken bones which is left out in the heat and then fed to them will make them sick. Again, not speculation but fact.
We know of a pet shop that was closed for almost 4 weeks whilst the owner went on vacation and during that month, the shop keeper next door was going in once a day to feed them. The animals were not available for sale and they were left to their own devices for 23 hours a day. Not speculation - the caretaker of the animal's himself told us this.
We don't go round making up stuff just to give the Souq a bad name - it does a good job of that itself.
Beautynbrain - we are just a rescue shelter and have no authority or power over the Souq. All you can do is take photos, write letters or visit the Ministry of Environment, the Animal Resource Department or the Health Authorities with complaints. Emailing a letter of complaint & any photos you have to QAWS will increase our file on the Souq which we hope will have some effect on a change in legislation.
We are regualr visitors to the Souq so we can see what's going on and we always report any cruelty or health issues to the Ministry of Environment.
Having no water is not speculation - the dogs & cats very rarely have access to clean water and there is never food in any of their cages. We've also seen what they feed them, and it's not a good diet for a dog. Cooked rice & chicken bones which is left out in the heat and then fed to them will make them sick. Again, not speculation but fact.
We know of a pet shop that was closed for almost 4 weeks whilst the owner went on vacation and during that month, the shop keeper next door was going in once a day to feed them. The animals were not available for sale and they were left to their own devices for 23 hours a day. Not speculation - the caretaker of the animal's himself told us this.
We don't go round making up stuff just to give the Souq a bad name - it does a good job of that itself.
Beautynbrain - we are just a rescue shelter and have no authority or power over the Souq. All you can do is take photos, write letters or visit the Ministry of Environment, the Animal Resource Department or the Health Authorities with complaints. Emailing a letter of complaint & any photos you have to QAWS will increase our file on the Souq which we hope will have some effect on a change in legislation.