Chelsea, everything you have offered in your last comment is speculation. Everything you say may be true but there is nothing in the photograph to establish any of these as facts.

Xena, generally the dog needs to have a six inches head clearance in any crate/cage. It is not clear from the photograph but on first sight, it MAY be small for the larger dog. Another key criteria is also the length of time the dog spends in the cage which we cannot gauge from the photograph so that's an important bit of information that we need to know before we get all self righteous.

But the fact there is no water provided or that they are not fed properly is speculation. the fact that they are sitting in the heat in the passage is also speculation. and the fact that they may not be taken to the toilet is also speculation.

But at the end of the day, these pet stores can only be expected to respect rules and regulations that apply to them as stipulated by local law and not more. If they respect whatever local rules stipulate, then it is not fair for anyone to point fingers at any specific institution and it amounts to defamation.

If you have issues with the way that pets are cared for in Qatar, such concerns should be addressed to the Ministry of Agriculture and not against specific pet stores which we should assume are law abiding 'legal' institution unless we have clear facts that may suggest otherwise.

For all you know, some here might have personal interests against the shop in question. Set up a competing pet store which might treat pets even worse, one never knows.