Yes birds die as do all living beings with souls but no one has the right to abuse them as long as they live based on the fact that oh they are going to die anyways! Brother, as a Muslim we do not ill treat any creation of Allah nor do we turn a blind eye on those who do so..have you not heard the hadith of a woman who entered hell fire due to ill treating to death a cat or the prostitute forgiven of her sins cos she gave water to a dog?How about the time the Prophet,Peace be upon him, tore his shirt as not to disturb a sleeping cat? Surely this proves we have to have care and concern for animals too. As for cages for dogs there are ways to make it comfortable for them which these itsy bitsy cages don't fulfill! And yes the lowest form of eeman is to hate the evil acts and condemn it in your heart if you are unable to stop them yourselves by your limbs and speech.
Yes birds die as do all living beings with souls but no one has the right to abuse them as long as they live based on the fact that oh they are going to die anyways! Brother, as a Muslim we do not ill treat any creation of Allah nor do we turn a blind eye on those who do so..have you not heard the hadith of a woman who entered hell fire due to ill treating to death a cat or the prostitute forgiven of her sins cos she gave water to a dog?How about the time the Prophet,Peace be upon him, tore his shirt as not to disturb a sleeping cat? Surely this proves we have to have care and concern for animals too. As for cages for dogs there are ways to make it comfortable for them which these itsy bitsy cages don't fulfill! And yes the lowest form of eeman is to hate the evil acts and condemn it in your heart if you are unable to stop them yourselves by your limbs and speech.