to not be so negative u know it depends on the person n the way of life he he grew up,
but theres no such thing that u said
for me im sure it doesnt make any difference
my familly either,we look to the relation for what it is not about religion because relation over that thing
if he really likes u theres no excuse whatever it is
it depends on the person n if theres a player boy he will find hundred excuses to disturb the reality
to not be so negative u know it depends on the person n the way of life he he grew up,
but theres no such thing that u said
for me im sure it doesnt make any difference
my familly either,we look to the relation for what it is not about religion because relation over that thing
if he really likes u theres no excuse whatever it is
it depends on the person n if theres a player boy he will find hundred excuses to disturb the reality