We can only hope & pray for the future. But as of today Mashallah the grand mufti, Abdul-Azeez ibn Abdullaah Aal ash-Shaikh, hafidhullah, and his council are truly capable of handling such tasks under pressure, and Allah knows best.As I stated before fatwas are issued based on the teachings of the Quran & Sunnah and on the current state of the world.The scholars upon the haq, excel at this. They know how best to advice the king & the lay man. Just as the scholars of the past have. One must understand the manhaj of advising a ruler or a scholar is far different than advising a layman. So while it may seem to some like the scholars are "puppets" to the rulers (as many ignorant folks claim)the truth is they know the manhaj/method of giving dawah and issuing fatwas to each individual in the light of the sunnah and for the betterment of the ummah in todays world. They are the experts and may Allah grant them success to do what's right and not fear the blame of the blamer..Aameen!