The solution can be achieved only by knowing the route cause of the problem what we face.
As the same issues and worst than this balbaric things in india and other places, we need to know the route cause to find the solution.
As we know india is having ancinet culture and their relegion and also we know very well that the basic thesis of hinduism is supporting VARMA SASTRA. means God Created people with different catogaries like one catogory is born from God's head called themself as high class community where as born from leg is refered as Low class community.
Even our country is developed by so many aspect like technology,scince and some parts are still suffering because of that.
The solution can be achieved only by knowing the route cause of the problem what we face.
As the same issues and worst than this balbaric things in india and other places, we need to know the route cause to find the solution.
As we know india is having ancinet culture and their relegion and also we know very well that the basic thesis of hinduism is supporting VARMA SASTRA. means God Created people with different catogaries like one catogory is born from God's head called themself as high class community where as born from leg is refered as Low class community.
Even our country is developed by so many aspect like technology,scince and some parts are still suffering because of that.