Hey gays and gals
Take it in a lighter vein. The topic is posted in finnies and trat it as fia funny. Even I have seen some of these and had a laugh.
The post may offend some who have posted these adds. But let it be an eye opener for them to do a better post next time.
Please stop mud slaying at each other and lat's get on with it
Cheer up buddies!!!!!!!!!!
Hey gays and gals
Take it in a lighter vein. The topic is posted in finnies and trat it as fia funny. Even I have seen some of these and had a laugh.
The post may offend some who have posted these adds. But let it be an eye opener for them to do a better post next time.
Please stop mud slaying at each other and lat's get on with it
Cheer up buddies!!!!!!!!!!