Mr Saeedkhan,pepperstrom...Do you expect this kind of english from an english tutor, who has done her BA in English literature?? Its not about native english speaking or anything most of the people are learning english right from grade 1.Its all about how much hardwork one put in to learn about a subject.If its some other language, we can understand but with english language,i.e something everyone starts learning from kinder garden There are some people who just decide to go ahead the way they learned something ,as there is a popular saying "its very difficult to unlearn the learn". thanks safari...I was not insulting its just under the subject funny advertisement.
Mr Saeedkhan,pepperstrom...Do you expect this kind of english from an english tutor, who has done her BA in English literature?? Its not about native english speaking or anything most of the people are learning english right from grade 1.Its all about how much hardwork one put in to learn about a subject.If its some other language, we can understand but with english language,i.e something everyone starts learning from kinder garden There are some people who just decide to go ahead the way they learned something ,as there is a popular saying "its very difficult to unlearn the learn". thanks safari...I was not insulting its just under the subject funny advertisement.