Kbaisi, here are my thoughts, in case you are interested. If I took another nationality, which I won't, but easily could, and somebody asked me where I was from, my answer would be "I am xxxx, but I have yyy passport. My children , if born in yyy country and brought up with the values,traditions and customs of said country, would be true citizens of yyy country.
That is my take on the situation.
And fyi, I do not complain of the traditions and customs of my current host country. I actually do not understand those guests who are so very adamant on changing things in said host country.
Mind you, I may not agree with everything that is going on in my current host country, but as it is not my country, I do feel I have no business in changing anything.
I thought you might like to know that. :)
Kbaisi, here are my thoughts, in case you are interested. If I took another nationality, which I won't, but easily could, and somebody asked me where I was from, my answer would be "I am xxxx, but I have yyy passport. My children , if born in yyy country and brought up with the values,traditions and customs of said country, would be true citizens of yyy country.
That is my take on the situation.
And fyi, I do not complain of the traditions and customs of my current host country. I actually do not understand those guests who are so very adamant on changing things in said host country.
Mind you, I may not agree with everything that is going on in my current host country, but as it is not my country, I do feel I have no business in changing anything.
I thought you might like to know that. :)