All the "shops" are owned by different people and they're not willing to give away names - we've tried!!
Write a letter to the Animal Resource Department & the Ministry of Environment and even the Department of Health :D
Email QAWS with a letter of complaint and any photos you have. We're compiling a dossier of letters, photos, info, anything we can to submit to the authorities.
When you're at the Souq - make a point of telling the "keepers" to give them water and make them do it whilst you're there. Point out every sick animal, dead animal or cage with too many animals in it. But be nice - if you scream and shout they shut down and ignore you. Remember these people are hired as shop workers and don't know the first thing about animals and are rarely animal lovers. The more we point out things that need changing, we're slowly educating them.
We won't get any changes made through the staff or owners of the shops - they just don't care. We need to aim for the authorities and in the meantime try to ease the animals suffering in any small way we can.
All the "shops" are owned by different people and they're not willing to give away names - we've tried!!
Write a letter to the Animal Resource Department & the Ministry of Environment and even the Department of Health :D
Email QAWS with a letter of complaint and any photos you have. We're compiling a dossier of letters, photos, info, anything we can to submit to the authorities.
When you're at the Souq - make a point of telling the "keepers" to give them water and make them do it whilst you're there. Point out every sick animal, dead animal or cage with too many animals in it. But be nice - if you scream and shout they shut down and ignore you. Remember these people are hired as shop workers and don't know the first thing about animals and are rarely animal lovers. The more we point out things that need changing, we're slowly educating them.
We won't get any changes made through the staff or owners of the shops - they just don't care. We need to aim for the authorities and in the meantime try to ease the animals suffering in any small way we can.