is for all of you to visit the accommodation. And see for yourself. Both sides are not talking on same level. A real misunderstanding will not accomplish any good result!
But I know a lot of company accommodation who imposed curfew on their employees specifically if under their sponsorship 'cause anything that happens even not in working time is still under their responsibilities!
Almost all accommodation I visited are locked at the gate but the difference is they have space inside where they can run in case of fire and they have keys (not one, but not all either).
Like I said, I'm curious about the lay-out of this accommodation!
is for all of you to visit the accommodation. And see for yourself. Both sides are not talking on same level. A real misunderstanding will not accomplish any good result!
But I know a lot of company accommodation who imposed curfew on their employees specifically if under their sponsorship 'cause anything that happens even not in working time is still under their responsibilities!
Almost all accommodation I visited are locked at the gate but the difference is they have space inside where they can run in case of fire and they have keys (not one, but not all either).
Like I said, I'm curious about the lay-out of this accommodation!