having the chance to talk to some teachers has put me to a more reliable way of giving my comments as compared to those who are only looking at the pictures posted by jhojoo and the issues raised and parhaps composed by her non filipino friend who maybe the one sent the letter to the Peninsula. i came to know that these teachers in that accomodation have again their second meeting with the admin head and one teacher is out again.... where is the teacher????? the meeting was announced to all the teacher occupants except that one teacher who is not riding in their bus almost every afternoon according to a source.... and goes home late. They have decided to close the door using the barrel no key and anyone can open inside if they wish to go out, as explained by a teacher. You should understand that their place is not safe. Padlock is only used when they all go to school, nobody is inside the accomodation they will all go to school. It is more foolish to keep on commenting that you do not know the changes and agreements made or not updated. For those who are still insisting their accusations against pisq, better visit their accomdation now so you will have a clearer view of the issue posted by jhojoo with all her pictures