mr expat based from lola maria teachers are free to the extent of abusing their freedom. we symphatized too much to the poster-jhojoo but we did not see the other side, anyway we are all entitled to our opinions but since i have talked to some who are from the school, now what i am saying here now is from them, they are not prisoners and the other issues raised by jhojoo are all baseless and NOT TRUE. IF i were the management i would give the poster the shot that she deserves for staining the name of the school. can we give now pisq a rest for all the redicules and attacks? too much for the school already and we are no longer a help but contributing to the bad image of the school. Thanks
mr expat based from lola maria teachers are free to the extent of abusing their freedom. we symphatized too much to the poster-jhojoo but we did not see the other side, anyway we are all entitled to our opinions but since i have talked to some who are from the school, now what i am saying here now is from them, they are not prisoners and the other issues raised by jhojoo are all baseless and NOT TRUE. IF i were the management i would give the poster the shot that she deserves for staining the name of the school. can we give now pisq a rest for all the redicules and attacks? too much for the school already and we are no longer a help but contributing to the bad image of the school. Thanks