social habit is important to consider if you are a teacher,and specially also if your activities outside your accomodation is immoral . locking the door early made her mad that means that limits her time outside. i have heard they have identified the poster already. and good i have chance too to talk to one from the accomodation, the door is locked when they all go to school, teachers of pisq are reacting badly to the poster for coming out to the wrong forum the fact that management is approachable, this is also the comment of my friend whose children are studying at pisq. the poster felt bad because she was one of those who were not around during their meetings, and she used to go home late that's why. she still thought same time that she can enter.
go pisq.
social habit is important to consider if you are a teacher,and specially also if your activities outside your accomodation is immoral . locking the door early made her mad that means that limits her time outside. i have heard they have identified the poster already. and good i have chance too to talk to one from the accomodation, the door is locked when they all go to school, teachers of pisq are reacting badly to the poster for coming out to the wrong forum the fact that management is approachable, this is also the comment of my friend whose children are studying at pisq. the poster felt bad because she was one of those who were not around during their meetings, and she used to go home late that's why. she still thought same time that she can enter.
go pisq.