Let me tell you a personal story happened to my sister, she's been constantly harassed by group of her colleagues to wear niqab . According to them she's like a meat in a butcher shop, exposed to all eyes!!! ( although she preserves full hijab and wears abbaya). They operate in groups, that's how they do it . Until they convince the girl that doesn't wear niqab to follow them. There are campaigns by those women in local Internet forums, schools, colleges, and workplace that niqab wearing is the only right way.

I'm not really against niqab, I just hate it when they enforce there lifestyle on everyone else.

If it's a personal choice as they claim, why spread those Preaching messages everywhere?

For years, many salafi scholars have demonized women who reveal their faces.b Any form of hijab trends was criticized. At the end , it's a women's choice as they claim.

Then why interfere in what women chooses to wear ?