who are you to talk trash about qatar central bank? and do you really think that you are this smart to judge a promotion for a huge bank with a very good reputation?

It seems that no one understood the promotion, and the bank for sure will take some intrest or do you expect them as well to start puting mony in the acounts as gifts? aventually they are not santa to just give the customers 25% of all the air line tickets and duty free shopping Etc, without at least some intrest!!! and if it bothers you so much, dont get it! no one is forcing you to, just keep your damn opinion in your big mouth before saying things that you dont really understand!

i had an account with Doha Bank since 2006 and i have not seen anything but good treatment and respect from them with the best offers and rates!

P.S you all could say your opinions in a classy way but dont make fools of your self because this is not cool at all and people will only think how screwed up your lifes are to talk like this! it only reflects your sick personalities and mentalities !

adios amegos !