Some people really do not understand your problem if life was so easy and if I wanted to spend time with my little one I would rather do it in my own country

besides the maternity leave u get in this country is 50 days I some how have pulled my leave without pay until she is 3 months

I am a mother and would put a stone on my heart to leave the little angel and go to work that is one reason I am so careful of my step

there are few people who have a luxurious life where the enjoying sitting at home and accusing other without even thinking the sensitivity of the issue

My parents are alone back home and are dying to live with us I had to come to Doha to earn the xtra money which I use to help them as well

No child would be so cruel to use their parents as a Nanny or a back up baby sitter

I wanted them around as they can spend time with us and enjoy some days as I can understand how lonely they are besides my child is in safe hands but i guess some people will not understand as they have their beter half working and they sitting at home enjoying life and their childs childhood hence accuse others
Thank you HMs78600 I will do as u advise and thank you for understanding
can you advise once the captain has approved, I pay the fees right.This visa is valid for how many months ?
my parents want to spend Christmas with us if possible hence looking for a 6 mths visa I do not mind the cost
Please advise