You can't bring in a maid from your own country, but there's nothing stopping you (correct me if I'm wrong) from hiring someone, say a wife or daughter who's under their husband/father's sponsorship, part time to come in and help you. I suggest you look into that possibility. It might not suit all your needs but it would surely help.
Also check with Shafallah center, they may know of people who are looking for positions caring for children with special needs.
You can't bring in a maid from your own country, but there's nothing stopping you (correct me if I'm wrong) from hiring someone, say a wife or daughter who's under their husband/father's sponsorship, part time to come in and help you. I suggest you look into that possibility. It might not suit all your needs but it would surely help.
Also check with Shafallah center, they may know of people who are looking for positions caring for children with special needs.