'the actual comfort zone often decays as both partners reveal their true colours'
Having a somewhat negative outlook would probably cause you to think along these lines when in actual fact it's the opposite case. The comfort zone increases. Just notice the little things we do without feeling embarassed (e.g. passing gass). Apologies I couldn't come up with a better example in the moment but just to support my point that we become more and more comfortable around our new partner.
Yes there will definately be things we won't like but that will be the case with any person you try living with whether it be a spouse, our parents, siblings etc. No one is perfect and yes situations and circumstances change, they always will. People do change sometimes and sometimes not as a result, but they can change their circumstances and situation. So, it basically comes down to whether you really are committed to being with this person and working through things when they occur.
'the actual comfort zone often decays as both partners reveal their true colours'
Having a somewhat negative outlook would probably cause you to think along these lines when in actual fact it's the opposite case. The comfort zone increases. Just notice the little things we do without feeling embarassed (e.g. passing gass). Apologies I couldn't come up with a better example in the moment but just to support my point that we become more and more comfortable around our new partner.
Yes there will definately be things we won't like but that will be the case with any person you try living with whether it be a spouse, our parents, siblings etc. No one is perfect and yes situations and circumstances change, they always will. People do change sometimes and sometimes not as a result, but they can change their circumstances and situation. So, it basically comes down to whether you really are committed to being with this person and working through things when they occur.