The judiciary in Qatar have a Supreme Council to supervise the proper functioning of courts of law and their auxiliary organs.
The judiciary’s Supreme Council was set up in 1999 to ensure the independence of the judiciary. It discharges the following functions:
• Giving opinion on issues related to the judiciary, and studying and proposing the special legislation to develop the judicial system.
• Giving opinion on the appointment, promotion, transference and retirement of judges in accordance with the law.
• Deciding on the grievances related to judges affairs, where the council's decision shall be final.
• Discharging other functions vested in it by any other law, besides the matters that the president of the Judiciary Supreme Council decides to bring to the council's attention.

Public Prosecution
The Public Prosecution shall conduct public actions in the name of the people, supervise the law enforcement, and ensure the enforcement of criminal laws. The law shall regulate the functions of this body; specify the condition and guarantees pertaining to the staff discharging the functions of the same according to Article 136 of the Constitution and 10 / 2002 Law on Public Prosecution.
Preliminary Court
The Preliminary Court has chambers to decide on doctrinal provisions (hudood), punishments (qisas), criminal, civil and commercial, personal affairs, inheritance, administrative disputes and other cases. Each court decides on the cases referred to it in accordance with the law. Other preliminary courts can be formed in other towns as per a decision from the judiciary’s supreme council.
Court of Appeal
The Court of Appeal is responsible for deciding on the appeals filed against the sentences issued on doctrinal provisions (hudood), punishments (qisas), criminal, civil and commercial cases, personal affairs, inheritance, administrative disputes and other cases.
Court of Cassation
The Court of Cassation has chambers to decide on cases of objection for cassation on rulings and proceedings of the law.
The jurisdiction of Constitutionality
According to the provisions of Article 140 of the Constitution, the law shall specify the competent judicial body for settling of disputes pertaining to the constitutionality of laws and regulations, define its powers and method of challenging and procedures to be followed before the said body. It shall also specify the consequences of judgment regarding unconstitutionality.
The jurisdiction of Administrative Disputes of laws and Regulations
According to the provisions of Article 138 of the Constitution, the law shall specify a competent judicial body for settling of Administrative Disputes of laws and regulations and define its powers. In 2008 law 12/2008 established the Supreme Constitutional Court.
Shari'a Courts
The Presidency is composed of the following main administrative units:
A) Shari'a appeal court which comprises:
• 1st chamber
• 2nd chamber.

B) Preliminary Shari'a court which comprises the following chambers:
• Marital affairs and rights.
• Major crimes and doctrinal provisions (hudood)
• Legacies
• Shari'a archives
• Sentence execution