this man has succeed because his soul and his spirit and his mind,because of that he is different from others.
so in this life there is no chosen one, you make from yourself the chosen one
in the said Arabic reveal from god "Quran" it is also mentioned that there is people has been accepted by Allah word to enter his paradise , and they are not arabs, moses followers, jesus followers ,josef followers...etc.
so it is contradicting with yourself.
God is not cruel, some people are pretty, others are ugly
some people are smart, others are stupid, some people are with arms and this man without. it is not about what you don't have but it is about how to appreciate what you already have.
and when you look to this man you see him happy and have spirit than most of us, so what do u really prefer ?
rich and beautiful but sick and unhappy? or happiness and rest of the mind in your life?
exlegend :
thank you for this really really very good video
this man has succeed because his soul and his spirit and his mind,because of that he is different from others.
so in this life there is no chosen one, you make from yourself the chosen one
in the said Arabic reveal from god "Quran" it is also mentioned that there is people has been accepted by Allah word to enter his paradise , and they are not arabs, moses followers, jesus followers ,josef followers...etc.
so it is contradicting with yourself.
God is not cruel, some people are pretty, others are ugly
some people are smart, others are stupid, some people are with arms and this man without. it is not about what you don't have but it is about how to appreciate what you already have.
and when you look to this man you see him happy and have spirit than most of us, so what do u really prefer ?
rich and beautiful but sick and unhappy? or happiness and rest of the mind in your life?