Sarah, Im not looking so much for a certain age group, I just cant really relate that well with the 30, 40, and 50 somethings (or their families) that I work with. I havent been able to meet anyone outside of work and Im not ready to be a 'career type' just yet. I feel like a robot running through the same schedule day after day. The only thing that seems to change is the amount of coffee I have in my jar and the place I go for lunch.

Rami, if your a night owl I make it to tajine at the souq just about every thursday night (or is it friday morning) at about 1 or 2. Ill either be with my filipino buddy who has a ponytail, or alone whistling to my mp3 player.

Soli, ive never been shooting at a club before, just out in the woods camping. What kind of guns do they have and whats the process for a membership?

Tony, Im not much of a basketball player, but when do you guys go out to play football?