....I'm disappointed (but not surprised) at many here! Some claim they’ve visited temples of all sorts, and vouch for their "spirituality".

Have you been to a mosque where you've been threatened at gun-point? Or is it the candle-lit corners in these places of worship? (I like those candles too, especially in Buddhist temples, Hindu shrines and Coptic churches.)

We all have heard and read of Christians and Jews who're being killed, persecuted, or forced away from their prospective partners of different creeds, by their own fanatic family members and peers for "wanting" to convert.

What happened when tourists, at Sigiriya, Sri Lanka, were attacked by swamps of wasps in 04? This is what the Buddhist "spiritual" media has said about the indecent tourists:

"Let us hope that Kasyapa's guardians... continue to perform their royal assignment and puncture the bums in minis and hot pants that come in their thousands to disturb them."

We may angrily react seeking deterrence and respect, but no one's life should be violated!