Virtually all of Israel's oil comes from Egypt, Iraq and a pipeline from the Caspian Sea that runs through Turkey. If the Muslim world really wanted to stand by the Palestinians, these countries could shut down the Israeli economy and war machine in a matter of months. KSA and other countries could make the export of their oil and liquid natural gas dependent upon the buyer not re-exporting to Israel. It would mean some economic hardship for these countries but not even a fraction of a fraction of what people in Gaza endure on a daily basis. Before you say it will never happen, I admit that I know it won't.
I do not think violence against Israel is the answer, because launching rockets at it only allows Israel to play victim and gives it an excuse to use its military. Actions such as the humanitarian flotilla and other forms of peaceful civil disobedience show what thugs the Israeli government are, and do more to turn world opinion against its policies towards the Palestinians. Even in the US the mood is changing, as the traditionally pro-Israel media like CNN is giving more coverage to sufferings of people in Gaza, and I think this is helping to push the US government to SLOWLY rethink its position (the US will never abandon Israel, but there are a wide range of levels of support). Traditional moderate allies of the US and Europe like Turkey speaking out against Israel is also helping. Even within Israel this will aid the minority of people who oppose their government's policies towards Gaza. That is until extremists like Ahmadinejad starting spouting off to the media about wiping Israel off the map.
Virtually all of Israel's oil comes from Egypt, Iraq and a pipeline from the Caspian Sea that runs through Turkey. If the Muslim world really wanted to stand by the Palestinians, these countries could shut down the Israeli economy and war machine in a matter of months. KSA and other countries could make the export of their oil and liquid natural gas dependent upon the buyer not re-exporting to Israel. It would mean some economic hardship for these countries but not even a fraction of a fraction of what people in Gaza endure on a daily basis. Before you say it will never happen, I admit that I know it won't.
I do not think violence against Israel is the answer, because launching rockets at it only allows Israel to play victim and gives it an excuse to use its military. Actions such as the humanitarian flotilla and other forms of peaceful civil disobedience show what thugs the Israeli government are, and do more to turn world opinion against its policies towards the Palestinians. Even in the US the mood is changing, as the traditionally pro-Israel media like CNN is giving more coverage to sufferings of people in Gaza, and I think this is helping to push the US government to SLOWLY rethink its position (the US will never abandon Israel, but there are a wide range of levels of support). Traditional moderate allies of the US and Europe like Turkey speaking out against Israel is also helping. Even within Israel this will aid the minority of people who oppose their government's policies towards Gaza. That is until extremists like Ahmadinejad starting spouting off to the media about wiping Israel off the map.