Again this is based on the standard BMI calculation. Which have been proven lately that can differ from one ethnic group to another
This Raise in BMI have resulted in the Past few years only. which is clear indication that changes in lifestyle is a prime factor that have contributed in the escalating results on Obesity among young adults & women In Particular
If you thing this issue is taken up lightly , you're mistaken. As the supreme council of Health in coordination with Qatar Foundation is taking this matter very seriously
Local newspapers have reported of future plans to tackle the problem of obesity . Whether from community awareness programs conducted by the Qatar Diabetes Association(
or through Raising Awareness among teens in Government schools
Is this enough?
NO, I think the supreme council of health should take more active measures like banning of trans fat at all food establishments encountered by locals and encourage people to exercise
Still, i don't understand why are you so concerned? since it's a local matter...
Read my post properly, i wasn't denying the given facts.
I said that obesity as an epidemic is high in the whole Arab peninsula,Not limited to Qatar. As been presented in many studies
Again this is based on the standard BMI calculation. Which have been proven lately that can differ from one ethnic group to another
This Raise in BMI have resulted in the Past few years only. which is clear indication that changes in lifestyle is a prime factor that have contributed in the escalating results on Obesity among young adults & women In Particular
If you thing this issue is taken up lightly , you're mistaken. As the supreme council of Health in coordination with Qatar Foundation is taking this matter very seriously
Local newspapers have reported of future plans to tackle the problem of obesity . Whether from community awareness programs conducted by the Qatar Diabetes Association(
or through Raising Awareness among teens in Government schools
Is this enough?
NO, I think the supreme council of health should take more active measures like banning of trans fat at all food establishments encountered by locals and encourage people to exercise
Still, i don't understand why are you so concerned? since it's a local matter...