teher are certain "work" which will just teach children to value works. If it is forced labor, then absolutely, it's a no no!
I used to sell newspaper and magazine on the street when I was young. I also experienced being a shoe shine boy, a jeepney barker and othe odd jobs which can be categorized as child labor. When I was a teen-ager, I deliver newspaper usnig bicycle. Somehow it gave me that sight how to value work and money and after finishing college, it work positively for me as the company who hires me was where some of my customers to which I deliver newspaper were working!
teher are certain "work" which will just teach children to value works. If it is forced labor, then absolutely, it's a no no!
I used to sell newspaper and magazine on the street when I was young. I also experienced being a shoe shine boy, a jeepney barker and othe odd jobs which can be categorized as child labor. When I was a teen-ager, I deliver newspaper usnig bicycle. Somehow it gave me that sight how to value work and money and after finishing college, it work positively for me as the company who hires me was where some of my customers to which I deliver newspaper were working!