Khanan, I don't know who is right and who is wrong in this particular story, but I know for sure that medical treatment, and particulary the Dentistry is on amazingly low level in qatar. Doctors are either incompetent or overloaded so much that have no any intention to help the patient whatsoever.. Or they are just following common qatari rule: Halli-Walli..
Once some “dental Guru” interrupted the routing cleaning right in the middle, and requested me to leave his office for 15-20 minutes and wait in the corridor... because his friend knocked the door and told him that he doesn’t want to wait (!)- they thought I didn’t understand Arabic, but you know Khanan, with such training (listening someone on the phone 24/7) I already can catch the conversation .. . So I had to wait 15-20 minutes outside! And after that he completed the cleaning in..3 minutes.. Moreover, the doctor presented this break as NECESSARY break in routing cleaning.. like if I am 16 years old ( I WISH i would!!) and like if I have never done cleaning in my life?? Or what did he think while ‘selling’ to me this BS? Most likely he didn’t think you know… Halli-Walli!
Khanan, I don't know who is right and who is wrong in this particular story, but I know for sure that medical treatment, and particulary the Dentistry is on amazingly low level in qatar. Doctors are either incompetent or overloaded so much that have no any intention to help the patient whatsoever.. Or they are just following common qatari rule: Halli-Walli..
Once some “dental Guru” interrupted the routing cleaning right in the middle, and requested me to leave his office for 15-20 minutes and wait in the corridor... because his friend knocked the door and told him that he doesn’t want to wait (!)- they thought I didn’t understand Arabic, but you know Khanan, with such training (listening someone on the phone 24/7) I already can catch the conversation .. . So I had to wait 15-20 minutes outside! And after that he completed the cleaning in..3 minutes.. Moreover, the doctor presented this break as NECESSARY break in routing cleaning.. like if I am 16 years old ( I WISH i would!!) and like if I have never done cleaning in my life?? Or what did he think while ‘selling’ to me this BS? Most likely he didn’t think you know… Halli-Walli!