The email was sent yesterday at 4 PM to Customer Care and cc to ICT. Received the autoreply messages (one of which is out of office)

I do not have to disclose here to anyone my contact details.

I will not be surprised if some Vodafone agent tells me that the technical support do not work over the weekend.

Anyhow. Thank you for your willingness to help.

Just an update. The line is still down as at 12:00 AM today. That is after 34 hours from deducting the amount from my credit card & after 20 hours from sending an email to VF & after 20.5 hours after hearing all the assurances from the call center agent that the line will be on by night (he did not specify which night).

BTW. my last call of yesterday lasted more than 23 minutes. Usually in decent call centers, the supervisor checks for calls that last long time and interferes. It seems nobody bothers.

For your info. The same problem happened to my daughter a couple of months ago. Because it was VF mistake - as usual - and after a big fight, they sent her 35 Riyals credit to enable her line pending sorting out the technical problem.

Bottom line. VF is cheap in rates and seems to be cheap in everything. We forgot the saying that "cheap is expensive"

To conclude. One can not survive and it will be a high risk to have only a VF line, each one should also have a Qtel line.