Firstly my heartliest condolence to the bereaved family and may the almighty give the courage to the parents.

On going thru the mixed comments and emotions i too fully agree with the standards and the quality of the people managing the schools. It is more to do with the management committe,Guess they are running this organization and they have an upper hand rather then to blame the drivers and the teachers of the school. What is important that the school bus even if it is third party contract is there any SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT being formed on behalf of the school on the requirements of the safety and standards, are the drivers met with the required training in aspects of the trainings and safety standards, this is the basic whenever the school appoints the service provider. Understand that this service provider is also linked to the management committee hence this has infuenced or forced the school to use this service but to the extent of what killing one of the innocent. There is no proper sequential sitting arrangements for instance there should be proper mix and match of the sitting arrangements like the juniors should be accompanied with the seniors wherever possible. The last row of the seats should not be for juniors rather then there sitting arrangements should be adjusted in the front rows as far as possible. Apart from the driver there is no additional personnel accompanying the bus to have the proper count and attendance which can be monitored. In regards to the school building and campus if we can request the supreme council body to look into the same. The classes made of porta cabins is not safe. What is important is the school authorities should base there there thinking as below.

1) What happens in the event of fire breaks in the school as most of the school premises is being accomodated as a residential to the staff working within the schools. There may be chances of fire and the children with run hay way in the event of rescueing themselves thus resulting in falling and stampede while getting down from the staircase.

2) The toilets are pathetic and there are instances the air-condition of the classrooms are in operative, can you imagine childrens studying in this weather what would be there condition.

last by not the least this conducive saga will continue until the supreme council of body does not get involved and makes the proper snag of the school and its relative facilities. Needless to state the management committee may be very influential in getting rid of this and this will still be a history what has happened. In few days this episode will be forgotten by the people. But my request and urge is what guarantee is this may not happen with the child of the school founders. Will they blame the driver of the bus, relative teachers, principal or to their own selfish motive.

Trust the above comments will be read and looked into in order to avoid such re-occurence in future.