Dear frustrated high school student,
School is a place where you all go for learning...

Luckily, we Pakistani place the first priority to character building of our we are not only the human being, we are Muslim too...

A group of students is not a herd of cattle, they need to be organized, they must have to have some ethics & some moral values...

A good school has some liabilities towards their raw material that is our new generation...

I asked you in the very beginning ‘have you ever got a code of conduct for students?
And you replied with a big No.

If you have gotten the code of conduct earlier...which surly you have had...You would have been learnt some values that how to behave as a good/normal student & how to enjoy your joys & happiness in the school premises with in the given guidelines.

As many of our friend mentioned here, they have spent their memorable last days at the school & I'm sure, they must have followed the guidelines which their school had given them.

All the mishaps start where; there is an action against the rules.