I'm 33 wks pregnant and found out I had gestational diabetes 3 wks ago. I was going to a pvt clinic but now am starting to follow up at Hamad since my current Dr doesnt do deliveries. I'm so far not impressed with the system at Hamad. They didn't give me an appointment for the GD with a dietitian until 2 weeks before I'm due, so there's no point of even seeing one! It seems they don't have many resources for pregnant women with GD, which is sad and scary. If I didn't have the internet as a resource I wouldn't have known to get a glucose monitor, what my levels should be, what to eat, etc. Another thing at Hamad, one person does the ultrasound, one doctor (or a few) you will have checkups with, and when delivery comes it will either be a midwife or a completely different doctor. Where I'm from (the US) the same Doctor that you follow with from the beginning of your pregnancy is most likely the same Dr that will hopefully deliver your baby...not someone you've never met before. And at least a few times that Dr will be the one doing your ultrasound and discussing the baby with you. Everyone wants the best Dr to deliver their baby, whats the point of finding a good Dr to start with and ending up that your child's life will be in someone else's hands. Are there at least resources about these on call Dr's in labor and delivery at Hamad?
I guess these are a few concerns I have, it's my first baby and I want the best for her. Does anyone know of any pvt hospitals that have good healthcare and will help with GD w/out having to refer elsewhere? I've heard they do more c-sections at pvt when its not necessary since its paid cash and more expensive, and a c-section is something I do NOT want. Can anyone say anything about Hamad that will make me feel better about delivering there? Something to make me look past the fact that my husband won't be able to be there for the first moments of our baby's life.
I'm 33 wks pregnant and found out I had gestational diabetes 3 wks ago. I was going to a pvt clinic but now am starting to follow up at Hamad since my current Dr doesnt do deliveries. I'm so far not impressed with the system at Hamad. They didn't give me an appointment for the GD with a dietitian until 2 weeks before I'm due, so there's no point of even seeing one! It seems they don't have many resources for pregnant women with GD, which is sad and scary. If I didn't have the internet as a resource I wouldn't have known to get a glucose monitor, what my levels should be, what to eat, etc. Another thing at Hamad, one person does the ultrasound, one doctor (or a few) you will have checkups with, and when delivery comes it will either be a midwife or a completely different doctor. Where I'm from (the US) the same Doctor that you follow with from the beginning of your pregnancy is most likely the same Dr that will hopefully deliver your baby...not someone you've never met before. And at least a few times that Dr will be the one doing your ultrasound and discussing the baby with you. Everyone wants the best Dr to deliver their baby, whats the point of finding a good Dr to start with and ending up that your child's life will be in someone else's hands. Are there at least resources about these on call Dr's in labor and delivery at Hamad?
I guess these are a few concerns I have, it's my first baby and I want the best for her. Does anyone know of any pvt hospitals that have good healthcare and will help with GD w/out having to refer elsewhere? I've heard they do more c-sections at pvt when its not necessary since its paid cash and more expensive, and a c-section is something I do NOT want. Can anyone say anything about Hamad that will make me feel better about delivering there? Something to make me look past the fact that my husband won't be able to be there for the first moments of our baby's life.