Pakistan is a cause of Global Terrorism, because it was founded for such purpose....
you may go through their syllabus & culture + teachings of elders to their kids in PAK which is a major cause of such activities....
They teach their kids from very beginning that everyone is on "WRONG PATH" except few whom they (their kids) have to impose PAKISM all over the Globe as per their philosophy. Pakis from their childhood are thirsty to Fight for such cause. Because, it has also been taught to them that if they get killed they will go to paradise and if they win then they will be rewarded with riches of their heroes Mahmoud Ghaznawi, Babar, Nadir Shah, Taimur, Mohammad Bin Qasim, Tariq Bin Ziyad etc, etc,.....They are provoked to re-establish Mughal Empire & Khilafat Usmania....hence, they see everyone as an enemy except few.........
By the way they also teach their kids that all the nations whom they oppose are cowards and once you (their kids) fight they will runaway loosing everything...but they (pakis) are the most brave nation.
Hence, since childhood their kids are prepared & they just wanna see, participate & initiate CONFLICTS, WAR 7 BLOOD-SHED.
If you don't trust me.....please don't ignore, but check by your-self.
Pakistan is a cause of Global Terrorism, because it was founded for such purpose....
you may go through their syllabus & culture + teachings of elders to their kids in PAK which is a major cause of such activities....
They teach their kids from very beginning that everyone is on "WRONG PATH" except few whom they (their kids) have to impose PAKISM all over the Globe as per their philosophy. Pakis from their childhood are thirsty to Fight for such cause. Because, it has also been taught to them that if they get killed they will go to paradise and if they win then they will be rewarded with riches of their heroes Mahmoud Ghaznawi, Babar, Nadir Shah, Taimur, Mohammad Bin Qasim, Tariq Bin Ziyad etc, etc,.....They are provoked to re-establish Mughal Empire & Khilafat Usmania....hence, they see everyone as an enemy except few.........
By the way they also teach their kids that all the nations whom they oppose are cowards and once you (their kids) fight they will runaway loosing everything...but they (pakis) are the most brave nation.
Hence, since childhood their kids are prepared & they just wanna see, participate & initiate CONFLICTS, WAR 7 BLOOD-SHED.
If you don't trust me.....please don't ignore, but check by your-self.