I am just surprised about your posting! I am not a hypocrite either, we are citing views. As I said above, you are entitled to your view as much as the OP in his.
Now, what is private and what is to be posted is in the OP's right. Just like you, you can post anything you want but don't preempt (or judge) on pure speculation! You keep mentioning "payment for sex", where in a hell it was mentioned?
Hypothetical question, Olive: For those involved in PRE-MARITAL SEX, can marriage be consider "a payment for sex"? Your view, please!
I am just surprised about your posting! I am not a hypocrite either, we are citing views. As I said above, you are entitled to your view as much as the OP in his.
Now, what is private and what is to be posted is in the OP's right. Just like you, you can post anything you want but don't preempt (or judge) on pure speculation! You keep mentioning "payment for sex", where in a hell it was mentioned?
Hypothetical question, Olive: For those involved in PRE-MARITAL SEX, can marriage be consider "a payment for sex"? Your view, please!