Cod liver oil 2218 Herring (raw) 2061 Shiitake mushrooms (dried) 1122 Catfish (raw) 1122 Button mushrooms (raw) 691 Pink salmon, canned 530 Sardines (canned) 521 Herring (pickled) 519 Mackerel, canned 214 Caviar 184 Quaker Nutrition for Women Instant Oatmeal 140 Cow's milk, fortified with vitamin D 100 Orange juice, fortified with vitamin D 100 Vanilla milkshake (fast food) 52 Egg yolk 25 Mashed potatoes 11 Fruits and fruit juices 0 Cereal, fortified 40-50
Cod liver oil 2218
Herring (raw) 2061
Shiitake mushrooms (dried) 1122
Catfish (raw) 1122
Button mushrooms (raw) 691
Pink salmon, canned 530
Sardines (canned) 521
Herring (pickled) 519
Mackerel, canned 214
Caviar 184
Quaker Nutrition for Women Instant Oatmeal 140
Cow's milk, fortified with vitamin D 100
Orange juice, fortified with vitamin D 100
Vanilla milkshake (fast food) 52
Egg yolk 25
Mashed potatoes 11
Fruits and fruit juices 0
Cereal, fortified 40-50