I am blown away with peoples reaction to this debate on this particular blog. "Western Twisting of facts", "Go Qataris" etc......If you people actually did research before you spoke it may actually make you come across as intelligent. Alot of the 33 contries on the list actually have a reciprocal agreement with Qatar and they are not all Western Countries. Not ALL expats are British or from the USA. Just because we are white and speak English fluently does not mean we are all from the same country. Stop tarring everyone with the same brush. I can not believe there are so many bitter people here, it is very sad. No doubt a few of you will rubbish me for what I have said but thats ok.......Anyway, It will make it more difficult for me to visit my husband if the agreement with my country is not reciprocated by Qatar so lets keep our fingers crossed it will be :-)