
Qatar wants reciprocity with the so-called wealthy nations on the list.

My argument is that the distance in national ranking by GDP between the US and Qatar is roughly the same distance between Qatar and countries such as Moldova and Rwanda. Therefore, to expect the US to treat Qataris as equal in terms of visa access, etc., is similar to asking Qatar to treat a country similar to Moldova equally. For obvious reasons, Qatar won't do that, and that is the same reason why the US will not either. Qatar is hardly striking a blow for the little guy, because it is as ready as the 33 countries to treat people from countries that are significantly poorer or smaller as second-class.

GDP is just one form of measuring the relative distance between two countries. But the basic point is the same no matter what object criteria are being used: countries generally act in their own self-interest and do not make concessions to less powerful ones. It is not right, but it is, sadly, how the system works.

That is why it is absurd to expect countries on the list to change, and why it is even more absurd for people on the forum to suggest it is a blow to the US and UK (i.e. 'Way to go Qatar!). These countries will not even notice. It will only serve to irritate and alienate the people in those countries who know, and generally care, about this country.

Again, I think this has too much to do with ego, and policies rooted in self-importance are historically bad ones whatever the country.