oy vey gardarene. lol
I still, despite your outpouring of the inadequacies of Qatari girls, feel that she has done a lot , not only for herself, but also for those in a similar situation as hers. She has shown them that it CAN be done ,hard work is going to get you where you want to go, and that, IMHO, is very, very important. Furthermore, she will continue to show everybody that she is not some airhead, but a self made woman of substance, who can and will be successful in realizing her wishes and dreams.
Gardarene, I do not kow how long you have been here or how much insight you have into Qatari life, but let me tell you this, a lot of girls ,despite having the opprtunity, are not necessarily allowed to realize their potential.Still, they do what they can to get where they want to be. All is not as it looks.

What comes around, goes around....