Form: Name? Girl: I already know! Form: Age? Girl: How dare you?! Form: Sex? Girl: Lots of! Form: Blood Group? Girl: Changes every night!! Form: Parents' Names? Girl: Still looking for! Form: Marital Status? Girl: Confused! Form: Experience? Girl: Day or night? Form: Expected Salary? Girl: Till the boss is bankrupt! Form: Contact Number? Girl: Ask anybody!
ill be ur future & you ll be my past
Form: Name?
Girl: I already know!
Form: Age?
Girl: How dare you?!
Form: Sex?
Girl: Lots of!
Form: Blood Group?
Girl: Changes every night!!
Form: Parents' Names?
Girl: Still looking for!
Form: Marital Status?
Girl: Confused!
Form: Experience?
Girl: Day or night?
Form: Expected Salary?
Girl: Till the boss is bankrupt!
Form: Contact Number?
Girl: Ask anybody!
ill be ur future & you ll be my past