nomerci, people who come on visit (tourist) visas to LOOK for the job, are still ok, as long as they don't actually work. Who does violate the law are those who come to look for the job on Business visa.. or rather those who issue Business visa for non-business purposes violate the law.
Now, Visa on arrival is equivalent of the tourist visa, with only difference that you don’t apply for it in your own country prior to travelling, but rather obtain it upon arrival at the airport. And it basically means that citizens of these 33 countries get a tourist visa automatically and unconditionally upon arrival, while the citizens from the other countries who have to get their visas prior to travelling, might get rejected.
Getting visa on arrival obviously saves you time and headache. This privilege was given to 33 western countries, and again these visas are strictly for the purpose of tourism.
Now, when you come to Qatar for WORK, the Company (or your sponsor) must issue for you either:
-business visa (for the short-terms employees), or
-Work visa, based on which the residence permit is issued later, or
- Work permit for those who under their family sponsorship.
Only these three types of documents allow you work legally in Qatar.
What happened with the visa on arrival is the Companies instead of issuing Business visas for their short-terms western employees, used a visa on arrival, as it saved money and a lot of headache. Authorities decided to put an end to such practice, and to control better who is coming here for the business and who for tourism. Which absolutely right.
Each country has different visas for different purposes: Business visas, tourist visas, student visas, work visas, visas for the Medical reason, etc. And each country is expecting people to use the issued visas on their direct purpose, not to try going around and fool the government. As easy as that.
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small compared to what lies within us." Oliver Wendell Holmes
nomerci, people who come on visit (tourist) visas to LOOK for the job, are still ok, as long as they don't actually work. Who does violate the law are those who come to look for the job on Business visa.. or rather those who issue Business visa for non-business purposes violate the law.
Now, Visa on arrival is equivalent of the tourist visa, with only difference that you don’t apply for it in your own country prior to travelling, but rather obtain it upon arrival at the airport. And it basically means that citizens of these 33 countries get a tourist visa automatically and unconditionally upon arrival, while the citizens from the other countries who have to get their visas prior to travelling, might get rejected.
Getting visa on arrival obviously saves you time and headache. This privilege was given to 33 western countries, and again these visas are strictly for the purpose of tourism.
Now, when you come to Qatar for WORK, the Company (or your sponsor) must issue for you either:
-business visa (for the short-terms employees), or
-Work visa, based on which the residence permit is issued later, or
- Work permit for those who under their family sponsorship.
Only these three types of documents allow you work legally in Qatar.
What happened with the visa on arrival is the Companies instead of issuing Business visas for their short-terms western employees, used a visa on arrival, as it saved money and a lot of headache. Authorities decided to put an end to such practice, and to control better who is coming here for the business and who for tourism. Which absolutely right.
Each country has different visas for different purposes: Business visas, tourist visas, student visas, work visas, visas for the Medical reason, etc. And each country is expecting people to use the issued visas on their direct purpose, not to try going around and fool the government. As easy as that.
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small compared to what lies within us."
Oliver Wendell Holmes