Bleu, you may get your wish. I know half a dozen Brits who are working for international companies here in the Gulf (based in Qatar) with business visas. Their wives make visa runs to Bahrain monthly. Evidently no more. They will leave. Are these the kinds of ex-pats you want to see gone? The really talented ex-pats will be able to find a job anywhere! I can assure that this attempt at pressuring the US gov't to change its requirement for visas for Qataris will NOT work. (And I certainly understand that the issue is not that Qataris will enter the US and disappear into an underground economy.) Sometimes I feel like a lobster in a pot - when will the discomfort of decisions such as these outweigh my love for Qatar? I can tell you one thing - it certainly affects what I tell prospective professionals thinking of coming to Doha.