Upcoming movie releases from Pajju co-staring with his cross dressing actress Rizks
1. Gee Aye Pajju...His cobra Rising
2. Pajju tum kab jaoge
3. My name is pajju and i'm not boring
4. Pajjunator Vs Robo-Rizks
5. Ghosts of Pajju's past
6. Trannyformers - Revenge of the Mallus
All this coming to a theater near you...3D too :)
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
Upcoming movie releases from Pajju co-staring with his cross dressing actress Rizks
1. Gee Aye Pajju...His cobra Rising
2. Pajju tum kab jaoge
3. My name is pajju and i'm not boring
4. Pajjunator Vs Robo-Rizks
5. Ghosts of Pajju's past
6. Trannyformers - Revenge of the Mallus
All this coming to a theater near you...3D too :)
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)